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Showing posts from December, 2013

Kreatifitas tidak pernah mati

Siapa bilang kreatifitas itu bisa mandek alias tumpul atau ekstremnya mati? Setahu saya kreatifitas itu harus dilatih karena bukan pemberian, setiap orang dianugerahi kreatifitas namun hanya sedikit yang mau mengelola dan melatihnya. Bakat adalah pemberian karena tidak semua memiliki bakat menyanyi namun apa artinya sebuah bakat jika tidak ditunjang dengan kreatifitas dan latihan untuk selalu berpikir kreatif? Ini adalah contoh menarik bagaimana makna dari sebuah kreatifitas berujung menjadi solusi cukup dengan mendalami dan memperhatikan lingkungan dan tentunya keinginan yang besar dari pencetus ide tersebut. Siapa yang menyangka bahwa bambu bisa menjadi kerangka sepeda yang lentur dan tangguh? Jika kita berpikir tentang sepeda bambu pastinya di kepala langsung tertuju kepada oleh-oleh kerajinan dari bambu yang biasanya kita pajang saja di lemari. Tapi sepeda bambu disini adalah sepeda yang digunakan setiap hari namun materi utamanya justru dari bambu… Sori bannya tetap dari karet. Se...

Ide lama konsep baru

Siapa yang belum pernah dengar atau melihat sepeda listrik? Pasti sudah pernah atau bahkan pernah pakai satu setidaknya. Sepeda listrik yang ada mayoritas disainnya agak memaksakkan dan bahkan lebih cocok untuk anak-anak walaupun belum tentu mereka ingin memilikinya. Tapi bagaimana jika sepeda listrik yang di-inginkan justru tampilannya sesuai dengan disain sepeda yang kita inginkan? Maka lahirlah FlyKly Smart Wheel. Sebuah ide lama dengan konsep baru yaitu sepeda listrik yang berfokus kepada rodanya dan bukan pada sepedanya apalagi pengaturan daya dan lainnya bisa dilakukan melalui smartphone. Menarik bukan? Konsep dasarnya dari Smart Wheel adalah roda yang dapat memberikan bantuan tenaga kepada pengguna sepeda dengan cara mengalirkan energi tambahan dalam bentuk listrik melalui motor kecil yang ditanam pada poros roda. Energi inipun akan terisi dengan sendirinya saat pengendara mengayuh dan motornya akan membantu meringankan beban kayuhan. Lucunya lagi dengan adanya Smart Wheel, kita...

Forgot your things? Get tile...

Personal tracker as part of M2M is on the increase as we own more devices, more keys, own more bags and perhaps having more than 1 pet plus our hectic daily routines that often lead us to misplace them, probably leaving your kids at supermarket by accident is one case. Enter Tile , this little gizmo you simply tag onto your car keys, on your phone, inside bags and comes with an iPhone app for you to locate the missing pet. Question is: could it be small enough to track our spouse’s whereabouts? Forgot your things? Get tile...

Russia's Kopi Luwak distributor web site design

Found this great web design at BeHance today, the elegant look and sense of premium for this establishment really embodied the richness and why Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world. Have a look at the design here Russia's Kopi Luwak distributor web site design

Where Artists and Designers can Showcase their talents

I love arts and even more so with great design. Raised as a sculptor and painter, I was then driven to commercial arts and eventually ended up as graphic designer before embracing and integrating my talents into the telecommunication industry (weird career path heh?). Back in late 1993 and just leaving arts college, I remembered the pain of lugging my portfolio around from one studio to another. I was then forced to create my own personal cart to carry those works around, this was before interactive portfolio site was even thought of and back then owning website would be corporate dream not us the newbie designer. Then arrived Macromedia Director (anyone remembered this great piece of software), I was early to jumped in and start learning the lingo and was on my way in developing my first interactive portfolio with all sounds and video narrative that I could squeeze all 500mb into a single CD. Wow… Don’t have to drag my portfolio cart anymore, I just sent these CDs to ads agencies and ...

Visiting Facebook Asia

Got the chance to visit Facebook Asia on my biz trip to Singapore however I’m not going to talk about the business of Facebook mobile advertising here but more on their office interiors (I’m a sucker for great interior design) which I described as homely raw with light touch of country style. Facebook Kitchen Area In particular was its kitchen or they’d call it “where human hang-out in vain”, that particular area is the most comfortable corner of the entire office with design aesthetics I don’t mind copying. The rest of the office is a mixture of raw cluttered homely furniture, low hanging ceiling, subdue lighting with modern meeting rooms and awkward spiritual posters that are supposedly encourage smart working (?). Anyway, the meeting was good, both of us decided to work together in a limited partnership to learn each others’ business ethics and us learning their supposedly friendly mobile advertising tools (until today, I found it irritatingly annoying when it comes to administratin...

Cross posting

Been a long time since I touched my other blog at and today I decided to cross post both blogs; this one and the one residing at That would cut lots of my time writing hehehehehe Cross posting

Raising bar in Mobile Advertising socialization

On December 10th 2013, AdReach, the m-advertising division of XL Digital Services raised new bar and added new milestones in its path by producing the country’s first Mobile Marketing Intelligence Conference. The Conference was a big hit, 376 attended the event from target of 234 with 19 speakers providing down to earth insights and shared their mobile advertising best practices that include Unilever, Mindshare, BrandTone, Indosat, XL, RadioActive, and many more. We also created new benchmark on how a conference should be, high end lighting system and state of the art audio visuals were heavily used alongside selective break-out sessions and off course, fabulous lunches. Although it was not the perfect event we would like it to be, the audiences and speakers had great time and positive responses were given by all. Looking forward to next year for another Dig-In Conference series. Raising bar in Mobile Advertising socialization

Testing to Path

Test posting to Path from my blog… Testing to Path