Got the chance to visit Facebook Asia on my biz trip to Singapore however I’m not going to talk about the business of Facebook mobile advertising here but more on their office interiors (I’m a sucker for great interior design) which I described as homely raw with light touch of country style.
Facebook Kitchen Area
In particular was its kitchen or they’d call it “where human hang-out in vain”, that particular area is the most comfortable corner of the entire office with design aesthetics I don’t mind copying.
The rest of the office is a mixture of raw cluttered homely furniture, low hanging ceiling, subdue lighting with modern meeting rooms and awkward spiritual posters that are supposedly encourage smart working (?).
Anyway, the meeting was good, both of us decided to work together in a limited partnership to learn each others’ business ethics and us learning their supposedly friendly mobile advertising tools (until today, I found it irritatingly annoying when it comes to administrating new account).
Would I visit them again? Maybe if I can sleep over on one of their couches.
Visiting Facebook Asia