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Where Artists and Designers can Showcase their talents

I love arts and even more so with great design. Raised as a sculptor and painter, I was then driven to commercial arts and eventually ended up as graphic designer before embracing and integrating my talents into the telecommunication industry (weird career path heh?).

Back in late 1993 and just leaving arts college, I remembered the pain of lugging my portfolio around from one studio to another. I was then forced to create my own personal cart to carry those works around, this was before interactive portfolio site was even thought of and back then owning website would be corporate dream not us the newbie designer.

Then arrived Macromedia Director (anyone remembered this great piece of software), I was early to jumped in and start learning the lingo and was on my way in developing my first interactive portfolio with all sounds and video narrative that I could squeeze all 500mb into a single CD. Wow… Don’t have to drag my portfolio cart anymore, I just sent these CDs to ads agencies and hoping for an interview (back then I was happy being freelancer).

Move forward today, how truly bless all of you designers and artists, from DeviantArt to BeHance (my favourite) and even the local ones including CreativeTrees (another of my fave), the web is now soaring with personal portfolio sites where you can rent, showcase and brag yourself all rights of your works. Then I came across IamaCreativ that focuses on providing sub-sites for those who are presumably creative. This is similar to others are also community driven but feel rugged, raw and more suited to fine artists compare to BeHance or CreativeTrees where designers would fee right at home with their clean designs look.

Nevertheless, I welcome IamaCreativ as another place to assist these so called artists, designers and creative people getting notice and being notice and most of all finding the reception we are all deserving (hey, it takes imagination, skills, talent and great passion to create an art not to mention time…)

So, welcome to the world wide web. Your mobile version is also refreshing.

Where Artists and Designers can Showcase their talents


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