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Screw Business as Usual Series #1 - Job Interview

Okay, I copied and paste the main title of Richard Branson’s latest book “Screw Business as Usual” which you can learn more from here. Nevertheless the title intrigued me to create my own version even though I’m not RB yet or a billionaire (working on it), but at least I could share some of my past experiences with you.

Here’s one Screw version #1; a job interview.

Back in the days I would be creating various creative cover letter, burn an interactive cd, create a Pop-Up of my resume and many more just to get an interview and hopefully a job. Internet was new then so I didn’t get the luxury of YouTube and Google let alone a blog. Yet, today I’ve seen crazy ideas and out of the box thinking and processes people went through just to land a job interview. Once I received a notebook wrapped inside a brown envelope stacked on top of other brown envelopes, I took it and invited the owner for an interview straight away without even reading her resume. A pink envelope with seductive scents landed on my desk asking for an interview few years back, the  first thing I did was to call the sender.

The idea of being different on your cover letter and how you present yourself on the resume is crucial, HR people scrap through hundreds of applicants each month and many didn’t even pass the mail room. Some many years ago I went a bit over the top with confidence by writing a letter to one of my past employers’ secretary to arrange an interview at a given time and date, I’ve told her that I was expected to assist the company and my resume will follow once I got the date set. I sent to at least 5 employers using the same tactics, however I’ve done my homework before by cross checking the employers’ names and their secretaries as well as the offices’ fax numbers. Guessed what? I landed 3 interviews out of 5 and offered a job from the second one.

Today with internet, google, social media and all the tech anyone can get their hands on, creativity should have a field day. There should be even more bold and crazy job applicants out there that are pushing new envelope in job hunting, and here’s one video that I thought was interesting and made a stir on the net.

More up to date ideas for your next job interview and creative cover letter? Check this link too.

Screw Business as Usual Series #1 - Job Interview


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